This and That Around Town News and Happings - Wenatchee, Washington USA

This And That Around Town
News And Happings

Wenatchee, Washington USA
For more and up to date biking events with in the Wenatchee area,
Please See Gene`s BMX:- (
Wenatchee Biking Information Page )
Jill Spanjer Memorial Bike Ride
Wenatchee, Washington --
A bicycle ride honoring Jill Wood-Spanjer, the former
Executive Director of the Wenatchee Valley Convention
and Visitor's Bureau, is being planned for next year.
Governor Christine Gregoire announced the Seattle
to Wenatchee ride last week at a Tourism Conference
in Seattle.
Spanjer was hit by a car and killed while
riding a bicycle near Cashmere last year.
Riverside drive funding
Wenatchee, Washington --
A road that will help spur development along Wenatchee's waterfront
is closer to becoming a reality. Friday, the State Transportation
Improvement Board announced they will fund the first phase of the project.
The cost of the first phase of the project is estimated at 3.4 million
dollars. That includes project design and right-of-way acquisition.
Link and pedestrian bridge
Wenatchee, Washington --
Within ten years or so, Link busses may be able to move off of
the Senator George Sellar Bridge. Preliminary discussions are
under way.
looking at the feasibility of putting buses onto the pedestrian
bridge, using a reversible one way lane. Link General Manager
Richard DeRock, says there are a number of issues that need to
be resolved, and also a number of benefits that could be had
from the move.
In other Link Transit Bus news ~
More people rode Link buses last month than in any month since
the Transit Agency instituted a fare system a few years ago.
One of the driving factors, the continued high gas prices.
Last month the average weekday boarding on Link's fixed
route service was over 2,900 riders.
Wenatchee area Trail Maintenance Dollars
Wenatchee, Washington --
The Wenatchee National Forest has received several
State Grants totaling nearly 290 thousand dollars.
Most of the Grants, announced this week,
will improve and maintain trails.
They include: nearly 75 thousand dollars to maintain off
-road vehicle trails near Lake Wenatchee and Devil's Gulch;
50 thousand dollars to maintain trails near Lake Chelan;
40 thousand to maintain wilderness trails
on the Wenatchee Ranger District;
50 thousand to maintain trails on Echo Ridge; and 35 thousand
dollars to maintain snowmobile trails near Entiat and Lake Wenatchee.
Moses Lake BMX Event November 12th
Moses Lake, Washington ( Gene`s BMX News ) --
Wow Its the first event in Moses Lake, It looks
like bmx may happen after all -- Check it ......
To my knowings this is "NOT" an ABA sanctioned event?
It is an event by the Parks and Recreation of Moses Lake.
Moses Lake BMX Event - November 12th, 2005
Registration at 11 am - 12 noon. You Must have
a Helmet to race, - Free Racing for all ages. Also
some Freestyle Demonstrations and free Giveaways.

( Click on photo for full sized Flyer )
If under 18, must have Registration form with parents signature.
For more information,
Call Moses Lake Parks and Recreation at 509-766-9240.
Registration for ML BMX Event, can be found at:
Wenatchee Arena is riverfront plan centerpiece
Wenatchee, Washington --
Next time you head down to Riverfront Park,
take a good, long look around, because in
a couple of years you may not recognize it.
City officials and private developers Thursday unveiled plans
that within about two to five years could replace the Riverfront
Park Ice Arena and the industrial buildings that skirt the park
between Fifth and Ninth streets with seven-story buildings filled
with condos, retail shops, restaurants and apartments.
A little farther north, a $30 million sports arena and events
center with two ice rinks and seating for 5,000 to 7,000 would
fill 9.2 acres north Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse. (
More )
Sports arena in the works for riverfront
Wenatchee, Washington --
The city of Wenatchee is gearing up to make a major
announcement about its riverfront development plan
that could include a sports arena near Walla Walla
Point Park.
City officials aren’t releasing details until a Thursday afternoon
news conference. But the conference will reportedly be attended by
the president of a Phoenix-based company that manages 5,000-plus-
seat event centers that include ice rinks.
It also comes as a local developer has purchased one 4-acre
property along the Columbia River and is in the process of
buying a 9-acre property near Walla Walla Point Park for
what he said is a sports-related project. (
More )
County moves Sage Hills parking
Wenatchee, Washington --
The Sage Hills trail system in the foothills west of Wenatchee has
long been a backyard playground for mountain bikers, hikers
and runners.
Now, they’ll have to park their cars a little further away to
reach the up-and-down trails, wildflowers and commanding
views of the Wenatchee Valley.
On Tuesday, Chelan County commissioners banned street parking in
the Sage Hills Drive cul-de-sac that has served as a trailhead for
several years. The move came after property owners complained
trail users were parking on their land once the three trail parking
spaces in the cul-de-sac filled up.
Officials say visitors will now have to use a pull-out near the
intersection of Number One Canyon Road and Sage Hills Drive.
The distance between the intersection and the Sage Hills cul-de
-sac is about a quarter-mile.
Commissioners had considered banning street parking along the entire
stretch of Sage Hills Drive but backed off after county Public Works
Director Greg Pezoldt surveyed residents last week and determined the
sore spot was in the cul-de-sac. (
More )
Should Ridge to River change?
Wenatchee, Washington --
Nordic skiing, alpine skiing, running, cycling and river paddling.
It’s a combination that has worked for 25 years in Wenatchee’s
Ridge to River Relay. But that formula could change.
A warm winter decimated the snowpack last year and forced
organizers to shuffle the events. For the first time ever, the
cross-country and downhill ski legs were dropped in
favor of mountain biking and trail running.
“The Ridge did a heck of a job to have the mountain biking and running
legs last year,” said Freeman Keller, who has competed in 24 of 25
Ridge to River Relays. And some folks liked the changes. (
More )
Wenatchee-to-Leavenworth trail backers take the first step
Wenatchee, Washington --
A plan is in the works to link back roads, private land, public trails and
parts of the Wenatchee riverfront into a single trail system stretching from
Wenatchee to Leavenworth.
Its goals:
* Get people to ride their bicycles to the store instead of driving.
* Attract foot tourism to farms and wineries.
* Promote exercise and cut back on traffic
And “Getting a plan on the ground before developers come in” to the
Wenatchee River Valley said Wenatchee lawyer Bob Parlette. “We know
the valley is going to fill up with people,” Parlette said during an
interview Thursday. “Before we lose all these orchards to subdivisions,
let’s put a plan in for trails.”
Chelan County commissioners on Tuesday signed a resolution endorsing the idea.
Called the Wenatchee River Valley Trail System, the trail would be
a non-motorized link between the communities of Wenatchee, Monitor,
Cashmere, Dryden, Peshastin and Leavenworth, the resolution states.
It would be about 22 miles long, Parlette said.
No timeline for creating the trail has been set, but County Commissioner
Keith Goehner said a group of interested parties likely will meet in
October to create a strategy.
On Aug. 23, commissioners discussed the proposed trail with Parlette,
Leavenworth resident Valla Howell and others from the
Land Trust,
Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau,
Chamber of Commerce, Cascade Foothills Farmland Association and
Valley Sports Council.
Money for the effort could come from private donations, state and
federal grants, local government and elsewhere, Parlette said.
Goehner said the county has a fund for trails and paths, but estimated
there is less than $30,000 in it. The county’s planning staff also could
develop a map for the trail system, Goehner said, or one could be created
using a March 2003 conceptual study, commissioned by the
Chelan County PUD.
He said the trail could be built in pieces and would likely be a connection
of dirt, gravel and paved trails and roadways, many of which already exist.
“Property is obviously going to be the driver — what will be available and
what will not be available,” Goehner said Thursday, adding that the county
could face reluctance from private property owners asked to allow the trail
on their land.
But Gordon Congdon, director of the
Chelan-Douglas Land Trust said a
community trail system could increase real estate values and tourism.
He cited a July 2005 study commissioned by the
Methow Valley Sport Trails
Association and Methow Conservancy, showing that visiting users of its 1
24-mile trail system contributed $4.5 million a year to the local economy.
The study, done by Resource Dimensions, a Gig Harbor firm, also indicated
the trail system was the biggest attraction for potential home buyers in
the area.
Currently, the
Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail is the only
well-maintained and well-used trail in the Greater Wenatchee area,
Goehner said.
“We had all kinds of opposition when we started that,” said Parlette,
who along with the late Gordon Congdon Sr., helped raise money for the
10-mile walkway. “And look how popular it is today.”
Wenatchee Valley bike festival canceled
Wenatchee, Washington --
The Red Hook Wenatchee Valley Mountain Bike Festival is off for this year.
The event was planned for Oct. 6-9 but a lack of motel
rooms has canceled the event. A soccer tournament the
same weekend forced the change.
“There’s not any beds in town that weekend,” said organizer
David Stipe. “Once we started to call around, we realized the
we didn’t have any beds for people coming in from out of town.”
The event planned organized rides to the Mission Ridge Ski
Area, Devil’s Gulch, Entiat River and other local trails for
various skill levels. The event was to be the same weekend
as the Methow Valley Bike Festival.
Instead, the Wenatchee Valley event will be rescheduled for
likely the end of September or early October in 2006, Stipe said.
The event was going to be limited to 200 participants.
“I was a little surprised by the interest,” said Stipe, the general
manager at Arlberg Sports in Wenatchee. “I was expecting to have to
turn people away.”
Stipe added planning for next year’s event will start by October.
“We want to make decisions so we can be able
to hold rooms for our event,” Stipe said.
Changes ahead for Ridge to River race
Wenatchee, Washington --
In a big break from tradition, the Ridge to River Relay will hold
its adult and junior races on consecutive Saturdays next April 2006.
The two races have been held on the same weekend since the
junior race was added in 2000. The adult race has been
a Sunday event since its inception in 1981.
The Ridge to River board made the decision Tuesday evening.
The 26th-annual adult race will be held Saturday, April 8, 2006
The junior race will be held Saturday, April 15, 2006 - (
More )
Leavenworth Bicycle Rodeo and Safety class
Leavenworth, Washington --
Attend a free bicycle safety program on Friday, July 22
at 11 am at Osborn Elementary (covered area behind school).
Local parents, Das Rad Haus bike shop and Central Washington
Hospital Education Department are combining efforts to provide
kids with bike safety tips and safe riding information.
There will be a helmet sale, bike inspection, obstacle course,
and entertainment. For information, call Susan Miller at 548-5464.
Wenatchee Outdoors List - A New Resource
Wenatchee, Washington --
My tires sing a song on the buffed-out singletrack our cycling
club built last year with a grant from Chelan County's Paths and
Trails Fund. Dust swirls behind me and sweat rolls down my face
in the heat of the eastern Washington sun. I've driven up to Echo
Ridge, seven miles out of Chelan, for a quick mountain bike ride.
It is late Sunday afternoon, and I don't see one other person
enjoying this beautiful weather or the excellent trail conditions.
I can see the craggy tops of the Stuarts rising above the
Cascade Mountain Range against a brilliant blue sky in
the distance. Five miles away, Lake Chelan shimmers like
a sapphire. I'm in heaven.
Chelan County offers visitors an abundance of outdoor recreational
opportunities for the sedate to the adventurous. There is mountain
and road biking, hiking and backpacking, rock climbing, mountain
climbing, fishing, birding, flatwater and whitewater paddling,
photography excursions, outdoor events, racing, trail running,
geocaching... the list goes on.
For the locals, finding the locations and partners with whom to enjoy
these activities is fairly easy. We live here. We know the best trails
to ride and the best time to paddle on Lake Chelan, the Columbia River
or Lake Wenatchee. We know who to contact about the times and dates
of various planned rides or other activities. Visitors generally don't have
that luxury without doing a lot of research... that is until now.
Recently, Andy Dappen, Bob Parlette and Doug Pauly, three
Wenatchee outdoor activists, were discussing how to connect
to other outdoor enthusiasts. "We asked ourselves how to reach
a broader audience," says Dappen, a freelance writer living in
Wenatchee. "How do we connect with people?"
What they came up with was the development of a
new website called the Wenatchee Outdoors List
This website, which will go active around July 1, 2005, is intended
to provide outdoor enthusiasts with a one-stop local resource for
their preferred activity. For example, if you are only interested in
road biking, you will be able to go directly to the road biking section
without having to muddle your way through a bunch of other activities. will include trail reviews, conditions, an upcoming
events calendar, articles, photos, visitor's information, newsletter,
alerts and more.
One of the more useful sections is called "Outings." This is where
the web visitor will go to find rides, hikes and other outings that
will be taking place in the near future. For a road bicyclist in Seattle, it
will be the place to go for planned rides in North Central Washington.
The website is also intended to be totally interactive.
When you finish a hike, backpacking trip, road ride
or mountain bike ride, there will be a standardized
form to fill out which will give the reader an overview
of the skill level needed, recommended fitness level
and other information about the trip.
So take a look, pick your poison and come on over to
the sunny side for some outdoor fun and adventure.
On the Web -
Mapping Future of Wenatchee Foothills Trails
Wenatchee, Washington --
Three-day workshop will explore possibilities
and take steps toward a cohesive local plan.
Under a fancy name, and with the help of visiting experts
in landscape architecture, the Wenatchee Foothills Trail
hopes to find a path to the future this weekend.
Trail advocates will hold a three-day design workshop and
brainstorming session starting Friday at Wenatchee Valley College.
The Wenatchee Trails Connections Charrette will join members
of the Washington chapter of the American Association of Land
scape Architects with representatives of the National Park Service,
the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust, the Wenatchee Valley Trails
Coalition, and the city of Wenatchee in addressing the strengths
and weaknesses of the Wenatchee Foothills Trail system west
of the city.
“We will be looking at two challenges,” said Sue Abbott,
a spokeswoman for the National Parks Service. “One, taking
a look at the trailheads and what can we do in terms of design
and access. Second, how we can connect the trails to the community.”
According to a press release from the city of Wenatchee,
some of the desired outcomes of the workshop are promoting
recreational activities and health benefits, increasing awareness
of the wildlife and landscape along the trail system, and connecting
trails with other areas of the city, such as the Stanley Civic Center,
riverfront parks and schools.
Hans Slette, stewardship director of the land trust, said the
creation of a common trails system is necessary to make sure
the foothills are not lost to urban development.
A partnership between the architect group and the National Park
Service allows cities to host landscape architects from all over
the country for free during these workshops. Eleven designers
and planners are expected for the Wenatchee event, Abbott said.
A grant from the NPS and private donations to the land
trust will help finance the $3,000 workshop, Slette said.
Slette said he hopes that the ideas this workshop produce will
be the beginning of a community conversation on growth and
the importance of the foothills trails.
“That’s the big one, just bringing it up to the forefront,” he said.
** If you go
What: Wenatchee Valley foothills trails open house
When: 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Stanley Civic Center Fuji Room, public is welcome.
For information: Call the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust at 667-9708
Wenatchee Biking InFo
Wenatchee Sage Hills Trail
REPORT From the Metting Via - ( URL ) -
Focuses On Improving Wenatchee's Trails 06/28/2005
Wenatchee Saddle Rock park?
Wenatchee, Washington --
Parks Board explores idea of converting
popular hiking area into a city park .......
For decades, local visionaries dreamed of ways to develop
Saddle Rock with a trail system, campground, scenic drive
and even a chairlift.
One by one, the ideas crumbled like the sandstone
in the community's most prominent geographic feature.
But now the city Parks Board believes the time is right to acquire
Saddle Rock from the state to keep it accessible to the public as
a park for hiking.
On Tuesday, the Parks Board appointed a committee to
look into acquiring the landmark and its surrounding 320
acres from the state Department of Natural Resources.
City Councilman Mark Peterson, a member of the Parks Board,
said the DNR has told the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust that it's
interested in selling the land because it's school trust land that
generates no money for schools.
Officials from the state agency did not return
phone calls this morning or Thursday.
"I think everybody recognizes that geological feature as one
of the most prominent visual landmarks in the Wenatchee Valley,"
Peterson said. "It seems like in order to preserve that, the city
needs to get involved somehow."
Gordon Congdon Jr., director of the Chelan-Douglas Land
Trust, said the DNR told him of its desire to sell Saddle
Rock four years ago when he approached the agency about
trying to keep motorized vehicles off the trust-owned
Jacobson preserve, adjacent to Saddle Rock.
The DNR cannot donate the property on the southwest edge
of the city and would have to open it to public bids if it were
to sell it to a private entity like the Land Trust, Congdon said.
Recognizing its "enormous public benefit" to Wenatchee, the
DNR would prefer to sell the property to a public entity, like
the city, he said.
"My feeling is Saddle Rock is important enough that we as a
community need to step up and say this is an area we want to
see remain open to the public and needs care and we as
acommunity need to figure the best way to make it happen,"
Congdon said.
He said he doesn't know how much the property is worth,
but that it needs care and trail work because of increased
public use.
"I think a fund-raising campaign to purchase Saddle Rock
would be very appealing to the community," he said.
Local leaders have been talking about turning the saddle-shaped
rock formation into a park at least since 1949, when it was
considered for a state park.
In 1963, Chelan County officials tried to lease the land from the
state to make a county park with trails and camping, a water
system and chairlift.
But the plans began unraveling in 1967 over liability issues,
soaring costs, and deteriorating negotiations with three
Wenatchee residents who owned mineral rights near Saddle
Rock. By the summer of 1968, plans for a county park were
deemed a failure.
Peterson said things have changed significantly since then,
including state law now offering immunity from liability at
public recreation sites if no fee is charged.
"I think the major stumbling blocks that existed before have
since been removed," he said. "The time is right to give this
another go."
Peterson said the parks committee that will study the idea of
acquiring the rock formation may determine that another entity
other than the city, such as the Land Trust or the Wenatchee
School District, should take over ownership. Because Saddle
Rock is school trust land, the school district may be able to buy
it at a lower cost than the city, he said.
"We're still pretty early on yet in the planning," he said.
Peterson said the Wenatchee City Council has not talked about
the idea of acquiring Saddle Rock. But council members are
interested in developing paths and trails in the western foothills,
and particularly in connecting them to parks and trails through the
city, he said.
Wenatchee Biking InFo
Wenatchee Sage Hills Trail
Cannon Mine History 1985-1994
Paving Begins Around In Wenatchee
Wenatchee, Washington --
A two million dollar paving project through Downton Wenatchee
begins this evening and is schedulte to wrap up August 23rd.
The project paves three miles of State Route 285 from the
Senator George Sellar Bridge, north on both Mission Street
and Chelan Avenue including Miller Street to South Wenatchee
Avenue at Maple Street, with most of the preparation and paving
work being done at night to limit traffic impact.
The project also repairs six intersections on nearby highways.
Bike race planned for Founders’ Days
Cashmere, Washington --
Going on a bike ride is more than just an opportunity to
get some exercise for Brian Webb; it’s a way for him to
deal with the daily pressures of life.
“When I have a bad day, I can get on this bike and get out my
frustrations,” said Webb. “It’s something I can do by myself,
and I don’t have to rely on anyone else.”
Webb’s love of biking inspired him to create the Bike with Brian ride,
which is tentatively scheduled for June 25 beginning at 9 a.m. with a
late registration deadline of 8 a.m. as part of Cashmere’s Founders’ Days.
Money raised from the $30 per person registration fees will go to the
Cashmere Schools Foundation to fund scholarships for students.
Webb is a Cashmere native who decided to organize a ride involving
a wide cross section of people, including other disabled cyclists
like him. Webb has cerebral palsy and relies on a wheelchair as his
main form of transportation.
“I thought the best way for me to participate in a ride was to
put one on myself,” said Webb. “This is the first year for the
ride, so we hope to have it grow.”
With Webb’s current bike, a machine friend Chris Lyons describes as
“more of a hand cycle,” Webb estimates he covers 50 plus miles per week.
“I go out every day and ride,” said Webb. “I’ve learned how many
miles I go depends on the time of the year.” Webb said he enjoys
trying a variety of different routes in the area during his rides.
Lyons believes Webb’s bike riding allows him to get an excellent workout.
“Riding his bike is good exercise for Brian,” said Lyons.
“It gets the upper body moving and gets the heart rate up.
It also gives Brian some freedom.”
Webb’s brother Jeremy enjoys going on rides with Brian,
but he often finds himself lagging behind his brother.
“We went on a 10K ride last weekend,” said Jeremy. “You just
can’t keep up with him, because Brain is able to go so fast.”
Originally interested in wheelchair racing, Webb purchased his
present bike in July 2003 and has participated in several rides
and races. With the assistance of sponsors Get Fit Foods and
Gold’s Gym in Wenatchee and the support of family and friends,
the riding event is a means for Webb to show his appreciation
to the surrounding community.
According to a Feb. 5 letter to the Cashmere Chamber of Commerce,
Webb wrote that he “…had a dream of putting on a bike ride for
several years,” and was excited about “… somehow giving back to
the community for all people have done for me.”
Webb encourages all interested individuals to participate in the
proposed 25-mile and 10-mile routes at the Bike with Brian event,
particularly wheelchair athletes.
“There are many different types of sports for people in wheelchairs
to do,” said Webb, listing basketball and skiing as examples.
“People in wheelchairs have to find the activities they like.”
In addition to biking, Webb enjoys basketball and serves as
the men’s basketball team manager at Wenatchee Valley College.
Individuals interested in participating or sponsors looking to get
involved can learn more about the event and have their questions
answered by sending emails to bikewithbrian(AT)
Donations benefiting the Cashmere Schools Foundation can be sent to
Bike with Brian,
P.O. Box 776,
Cashmere, WA, 98815
with checks payable to Bike with Brian.
Ridge to River cancels ski legs
Wenatchee, Washington --
The Ridge to River Relay is on, but mountain biking and
trail running will replace the nordic and downhill ski
legs, organizers announced this morning.
With the lack of snow, the race committee was forced to get creative,
said Jennifer Korfiatis, race coordinator. The new course is planned
for this year only.
"I think this is going to be a popular change, but I really
don't see it as being a permanent change," Korfiatis said.
Instead of cross country skiing, competitors in the April 10
race will start by biking from the Mission Ridge Ski Area
parking lot to the top of Wayhut, a beginner ski run under
Chair 1. (
More )
Recumbent enthusiasts find haven at Go-Bent
Wenatchee, Washington --
~~Bent into shape~~'
Bike sales, rentals and plenty of proselytization goes on
from Go-Bent Recumbent Bikes at the end of Fifth Street in
Wenatchee — right on the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail.
The faithful are bicycling enthusiasts eager for more comfortable bikes.
And when “the converted” — shop owners Hazel and Jim Baxter
— tell their curious customers to just kick back and enjoy
the ride, they aren’t kidding.
Go-Bent specializes in recumbent bicycles, which are ridden in a
semi-reclined fashion, on a wide, chair-like seat, with the riders’
legs stretched out in front of them.
With an “Easy Rider” design and faster than a conventional bike,
Hazel says recumbents are catching on with both athletes and
weekend cyclists. (
More )
Ridge to River is a go, but 'Plan B' is in place
Wenatchee, Washington --
Jennifer Korfiatis is getting no fewer than 20 calls and 20 e-mails
a day asking her if the Ridge to River competition is still happening,
or if it'll be changed.
As for now, there's one message from Korfiatis:
The snow is low, but the April 10 race is a go.
"People are wondering if we're going to cancel the ski leg
altogether, and I don't see that happening unless it's the very
worst-case scenario," said the Ridge to River Relay race manager.
Right now, the Ridge to River Relay committee is still planning
to have the event as scheduled. But things could change.
The committee is going to wait until the last week in
March to see if it needs to go to "Plan B."
Korfiatis said that the Nordic and Alpine ski legs, held at
Mission Ridge Ski Area, will probably be shorter because
of the unusually low snow levels.
"But right now, I don't really know what that's going to look like,"
she said.
The race traditionally includes a three-mile cross country ski leg,
a downhill ski leg, a 4.5-mile run, a 19-mile bicycle leg,
a canoe-kayak leg on the Wenatchee and Columbia rivers,
and a sprint to the finish line.
For more information -
Plan needed to preserve Wenatchee foothills trail access
Wenatchee, Washington --
City needs rules for development, trail advocates say.
A proposed 18-home subdivision off Castlerock Avenue
probably won't block public access to foothills trails
in the future, as some feared.
But long-term access to the network of trails that cross
the sage-covered hills west of the city will remain uncertain
until advocates submit a master trail plan to the city.
Without that plan we can't have any effect on development," said
Andy Dappen, a member of the Foothills Trails Coalition. (
More )
Rash of vehicle break-ins at Riverfront Park
Wenatchee, Washington --
Women visiting Riverfront Park are being warned to leave
their purses at home after a series of bold vehicle break-ins
during daylight hours.
The windows of several vehicles have been smashed and
purses taken in parking lots at the Riverfront Ice Arena,
Orondo Avenue boat launch and parking areas in between,
said Wenatchee police Sgt. Mike Magnotti.
"Because of the cars targeted and the items taken, we believe
someone is down there watching women leave their cars without
their purses," he said.
Magnotti said the vehicle prowls were reported on Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week and also
on Jan. 12.
Magnotti said people should not lock their valuables in the trunk
of their car either because the suspect or suspects could be
watching them do it. He advised women to carry their driver's
license in a pocket and leave their purse at home or work when
visiting the riverfront parks.
Bicyclist struck by pickup near Peshastin
Peshastin, Washington --
A 47-year-old Leavenworth bicyclist was hospitalized with
a possible broken leg after he was struck by a pickup near
Peshastin on Thursday morning.
Daniel M. O’Connor was taken to Central Washington Hospital
in Wenatchee following the 9 a.m. incident. He was in stable
condition this morning, a hospital spokeswoman said.
A Chelan County Sheriff’s Office dispatch log said O’Connor
had a possible broken left leg and had shoulder pain.
A State Patrol report said the pickup driven by Gary P. Simmons,
54, of Leavenworth, was at the Old Blewett Cutoff Road/Highway
2 intersection when it pulled forward and struck the bicycle,
which was eastbound on Highway 2.
Simmons was cited for failing to yield,
according to the trooper Rich Magnussen.
The Trek bicycle that O’Connor was riding
sustained $1,800 damage, the report said.
Injured mountain biker at Devil’s Gulch flown to hospital
Cashmere, Washington --
A Wenatchee man was flown out of the Devil’s Gulch Trailhead on
Saturday after crashing his mountain bike on Mission Ridge Trail.
Fred Rose, 59, suffered a broken left collar bone and multiple
abrasions, Chelan County Undersheriff Greg Meinzer said.
His condition at Central Washington Hospital
in Wenatchee was not available this morning.
Meinzer said Rose and three companions were riding
down a hill when Rose crashed shortly before 10 a.m.
Devil’s Gulch Trail Information -
Construction to close Wenatchee city streets
Wenatchee, Washington --
Ongoing city construction projects will cause closures,
detours or delays on the following streets this week:
•Maple Street, from Pershing Street to Western Avenue,
will be closed to through traffic from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Monday through Thursday. Residential traffic allowed
but delays should be expected.
•Sidewalk on the north side of Fifth Street, between Miller Street
and Piere streets, will be closed Monday through Friday. Demolition
work may close off driveways on the north side of Fifth Street
between Chelan Avenue and Piere Street.
•Delaware Street, between Fourth
and Fifth streets, will be closed Friday.
Bike Safety and KidCare ID Event July 21
Wenatchee, Washington --
July 21 from 10am to 1pm in the parking lot of the Wenatchee branch
of North Central Credit Union, 615 N. Emerson. The Wenatchee Police
Department will be on hand to help riders through an obstacle course.
There will be bike licensing and safety inspections. Each child will
receive a free KidCare Photo ID kit and those ages 12 and under will
be entered to win a new bike. Call 662-6117 for more information.
A ride for Jill: Bicyclist 'taken too quickly'
Cashmere, Washington --
They came to honor a fellow bicyclist and to show support for her family.
Nineteen cyclists completed a four-mile ride this morning, beginning and
ending at Bob's Apple Barrel, to honor Jill Spanjer, who was killed on
June 24 as she was riding her bike on Highway 2/97. The 17-year-old
driver of the truck that hit her told authorities he fell asleep at the wheel.
Nancy Smith, executive director of the Wenatchee Valley Sports Council,
worked across the hall from Spanjer, who was executive director of the
Wenatchee Valley Visitors and Convention Bureau. Smith said Spanjer was
new to cycling -- it was only about six months ago that she helped
Spanjer pick out a bike and buy accessories. (
More )
Cashmere Female cyclist hit by pickup,dies
Cashmere, Washington --
nvestigators were working to identify a 30- to 40-year-old
woman who was struck and killed by a pickup this morning
as she bicycled on Highway 2/97 near Cashmere.
The driver of the pickup, a 17-year-old Cashmere boy, told
investigators he'd been up all night and had fallen asleep at the
wheel, said State Patrol spokesman Rich Magnussen.
The victim had no ID on her. Magnussen declined to release the
driver's name until investigators decide if he may face criminal charges.
Magnussen said the accident happened around 6:30 a.m.
about 100 yards east of Red Apple Road, about a mile east of Cashmere.
The victim was riding a mountain bike westbound along the
highway's broad shoulder, when the pickup apparently veered
out of its lane and struck her, Magnussen said. Cyclists are
common along that stretch of highway.
The accident closed the right-hand lane of traffic.
Magnussen said several motorists called 911 to report the accident.
Wenatchee Criterium A Big Hit & A Big Success
Wenatchee, Washington --

Washington State Omnium Stage
Race Championships - AKA - The
Wenatchee Twilight Criterium was
June 5th & 6th, 2004 at Wenatchee
Centennial Park & was a big success.
Results and some
Photos have been
posted for you to view and enjoy...
*** In The News ***
Wenatchee Criterium A Big Hit
Pedaling vs. peddling Bike race drives away customers
Also up in Chelan they had a Century Challenge Ride on June 5th, 2004
Chelan Rotary's Century Challenge Is Big Success
Scooters running afoul of public opinion
Seattle, Washington --
~Cities across the state are drafting laws to regulate and restrict them~
Unlicensed, uninsured, unprotected and underage, riders regularly rip
down city sidewalks on gas- powered scooters, zigging past dogs
and startled elders, engines whining.
Detractors compare the sound to chain saws, weed eaters,
Jet Skis and hyperventilating leaf blowers. In mounting calls
to city halls, they complain about boys, toys, noise, speed,
safety and the lack of rules.
In response, city staffs across the state have been hammering out pedestrian
-friendly proposals to regulate the motorized "powerboards." (
More )
Clubs invite commuters to bike to work on Friday
Wenatchee, Washington --
The Wenatchee Valley Velo Club and the Apple Capital Bicycle Club
are encouraging commuters to strap on their helmets and bike to work
on Friday as part of a national effort to conserve fossil fuel, reduce
pollution, stay in shape, burn off stress and "take time to smell the roses."
The bicycle clubs and local sponsors will set up water stops on Friday at:
5th Street entrance to Riverfront Park
Wenatchee Confluence State Park
Plaza Super Jet parking lot
The East Wenatchee side of the Columbia River pedestrian bridge
Water, Powerade, information, coupons and maps will be available at
the stops. Bikers also can enter drawings for four bicycle tune-ups.
City moves forward with Rotary Park
Wenatchee, Washington --
The City Council authorized Mayor Dennis Johnson
on Thursday evening to sign a $270,167 contract with
J&K Earthworks of Wenatchee to begin grading for Rotary Park.
The council also approved an agreement with Munson Engineers Inc.
of Wenatchee for additional construction engineering services,
including inspection, staking and testing of the new park to be
located north of Maple Street and west of Western Avenue,
said City Clerk Vicki Reister.
The council also authorized applying to the Washington
Wildlife and Recreation Program for funding for the park project.
Waterville council may set scooter rules
Waterville, Washington --
Mayor Royal DeVaney can picture himself zipping
around town on one of those little motorized scooters.
"They look like a lot of fun," said DeVaney, 73.
"Sometimes I wish I had one."
But if he did, he'd follow traffic rules and wear a helmet,
he said. And he wishes the kids who ride them would do the same.
After receiving complaints from residents about noise and
dangerous driving, the Town Council may tighten rules for
the scooters, DeVaney said.
The council discussed the issue Monday and will listen to
citizen comments at its April 19 meeting before making any
decisions, he said.
The scooters look like a skateboard with handlebars,
powered by two-cycle gas or electric engines.
The Wenatchee City Council passed an ordinance in November
banning the scooters from sidewalks and requiring a driver's
license to ride one on the street.
Waterville won't go that far, DeVaney said, but it may require
helmets and a muffler. A driver's license only would be required
for going over 30 mph, DeVaney said.
"We don't want to stop kids from riding them," he said.
"We just want them to follow some rules and not be a
danger to themselves or somebody else."
Town of Waterville, Washington -
Waterville BMX Track -
A Big Rash of Gang Graffiti hits in Wenatchee Parks
Wenatchee, Washington --
City of Wenatchee parks maintenance crew officials
where out on Monday April 05th 2004 at Pioneer
Park removing gang graffiti from the restrooms building.
As a high rash of vandalism and gang graffiti has been
seen in the Wenatchee Valley for the last few weeks.
* Photos by Geneb - Gene`s BMX
( Photos upon request for City Of Wenatchee Officials Only! )
*** Riverfront Parks Hit with gang graffiti ***
Police are investigating a rash of gang graffiti
at Wenatchee parks along the Columbia River.
Parts of the Apple Capital recreation Loop Trail were tagged,
as were handball courts at Walla Walla Point Park, the boat
house at the foot of Ninth Street, and the train house near
Riverwalk Crossing pedestrian bridge in Riverfront Park,
police Cpl. Mike Huffer said.
"We haven't had a lot at the park, not of that magnitude,"
Huffer said.
There also was graffiti on a wooden foot bridge on the north
end of Walla Walla Point Park, said Kimberlee Craig,
a spokeswoman for the Chelan County PUD, which maintains the parks.
The graffiti occurred sometime in the last week or 10 days, Huffer said.
He said Friday he wasn`t aware of any arrests
made in connection with the incidents.
Craig said parks maintenance crews had sanded off the graffiti
on the foot bridge and had painted over taggings on the trail.
The other markings will be covered or removed soon, she said.
Wenatchee Biking Events 2004
April 3rd -
Wenatchee Valley Duathlon - Confluence State Park
April 17th -
Annual Jr. Ridge to River Relay - Wenatchee Area
April 18th -
Annual Ridge to River Relay - Wenatchee Area
June 5th -
Wenatchee State Omnium Stage Race Championship,
" Time Trials" - Wenatchee
June 5th -
Wenatchee State Omnium Stage Race Championship,
"Wenatchee Twilight Criterium" - Downtown Wenatchee
June 6th -
Wenatchee State Omnium Stage Race Championship,
"Malaga Bike Road Race" - Malaga
June 12th -
Sunrise Rotary Apple Century Bike Ride - Wenatchee Valley
July 10th & 11th -
Squilchucker Mountain Bike Race - Squilchuck State Park
August 15th -
Apple Capital Triathlon - Daroga State Park
September ? - Tour de Vine / bike & wine tour - Wenatchee Valley
September - 25th - Dam 2 Dam Century - Lincoln Rock State Park
October 2nd - YMCA Fun Walk/ Run - Loop Trail
Plans call for widening Maple Street, adding sidewalks
Wenatchee World
Improvements that would widen Maple Street and add sidewalks on
both sides will be the topic of a Wednesday evening meeting at
Foothills Middle School.
Work on the estimated $1.9 million project is expected to begin
in early spring, according to James Bartleson, project manager
with Hammond Collier Wade Livingstone, the engineering firm
hired by the city to design the improvements.
"The completed product is going to be a lot better
for kids going to Foothills," Bartleson said Monday.
There are sections along Maple Street where there is no sidewalk
on either side of the street. Sidewalks exist in the areas closest
to Wenatchee and Western avenues.
Don McGahuey, city engineer, estimated
about 25 percent of the road has sidewalk.
Improvement work will include widening the street so a middle
turn lane can be added along Maple Street between Wenatchee
and Western avenues, a little less than one mile, McGahuey said.
Bike lanes, storm drains and street lighting will
also be added as part of the project, Bartleson said.
Widening the street to 44 feet will require the city to buy
land from some private property owners along Maple Street.
Wednesday's meeting will include time for
questions and drawings of the street project.
Roughly 80 percent of the project cost will be paid with funds
from the state Transportation Improvement Board, McGahuey
said. The city will pay for the rest of the work, with the money
coming largely from the arterial street fund, he said.
The street work will be completed sometime in
the fall and will require detours at times.
Similar improvement work has been done on Orchard Avenue,
Ninth Street, Maiden Lane and the north section of Western
Avenue in recent years.
PING-RE: Plans call for widening Maple Street, adding sidewalks
City planning to wait a year before extending Maple Street 03/27/2004
But major reconstruction work on portion east of Western will take place
this summer Extending Maple Street west of Western Avenue probably will
wait until next year, Mayor Dennis Johnson said. (
More )
City of Wenatchee pertaining to motorized foot scooters
NEW Scooter Ordinance......
The Wenatchee City Council has approved an Ordinance setting new limits
on motorized foot scooters. The increased use of the scooters, popular
among the younger set, has led to a number of complaints about safety
and noise. Now anyone useing such a scooter on public areas of Wenatchee
MUST have a Valid Drivers License, and a muffling device.
Ordinance No. 2003-31
An Ordinance, amending Wenatchee City Code
Chapter 7.32 pertaining to motorized foot scooters.
Whereas, the City desires to regulate the use of motorized foot
scooters to enhance the health, satety and welfare of its citizens.
Now, Therefore,
The City Council Of The City Of Wenatchee Do Ordain as follows:
Section I
Wenatchee City Code Chapter 7.32.010 "Definitions"
shall be amended by adding the following provision:
"(6) "Motorized foot scooter" means a device with no more than
two 10 inch or smaller diameter wheels that has handle bars, is
designed to be stood or sat upon by the operator, and is powered
by an internal combustion engine or electric motor that is capable
of propelling the device with or without human propulsion."
Section II
Wenatchee City Code Chapter 7.32 shall
be amended by adding the following provision:
"7.32.040 Motorized Foot Scooters.
(1) No person may drive a motorized foot scooter unless
such person has a valid driver's license of any class issued
by the State of the person's residence.
(2) It is unlawful to operate or ride a motorized foot
scooter upon any sidewalk within the City of Wenatchee.
(3) Every motorized foot scooter upon a public way within
the City of Wenatchee at any time from a half hour after sunset
to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when, due
to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospherc conditions,
persons and vehicles on the public way are not clearly discernable
at a distance of 1,000 feet ahead shall display a lighted headlight,
lighted stop light, lighted turn signales, and at least two illuminating
(4) Operation of a motorized foot scooter without a muffling
device, or operation with a modified muffling device is unlawful."
Section III
Wenatchee City Code Chapter 7.32.040 "Violation - Penalty"
shall be renumbered as WCC 7.32.050 and shall read as follows:
"Any person violating any provision of WCC 7.32.010 through
7.32.040 shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be punished by
the imposition of a monetary penalty of not more then $50.00;
further, the device ridden at the time of the violation shall be
subject to impound by the City for a period of ten (10) days."
Passed By The City Council Of The City Of Wenatchee,
at a regular meeting thereof, this 13th day of November, 2003.
City Of Wenatchee, a Municipal corporation
By: Dennis Johnson, Mayor
Attest: By: Vicki Reister, City Clerk
Approved: By: James B. Drewelow, City Attorney
City of Wenatchee Council Agenda 11/13/2003
Listed on the agenda - F.Ordinance No. 2003-31
– amending Wenatchee City Code Chapter 7.32
pertaining to motorized foot scooters – Rich Brinkman
City Of Wenatchee Council Minutes November 13, 2003 (CC)
Ordinance No. 2003-31 – amending Wenatchee City
Code Chapter 7.32 pertaining to motorized foot scooters
Rich Brinkman presented Ordinance No. 2003-31 to the Council.
He stated that over the past few months the Wenatchee Police
Department has received 26 complaints regarding motorized scooters.
He said that Sergeant John Kruse, WPD, did some research and
found that the only restriction the State of Washington has placed
on these motor scooters is to have an appropriate light device.
There is no helmet requirement, driver’s license or brake specifications.
The complaints are coming from motorists who fear for the safety of
the youngsters on these scooters.
Mr. Brinkman said that Ordinance No. 2003-31
would impose the following restrictions:
1. Require that anyone operating a motorized scooter on
City right-of-way or a City street have a valid driver’s license.
2.Motorized scooters do not operate on sidewalks.
3.Motorized scooters have a headlight, stop light, turn signal and reflectors.
4.Motorize scooters must be operated with a muffling device.
Councilmember Randy Gold moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2003-31.
Councilmember Mark Peterson seconded.
Councilmember Peterson said that Section No. 1
does not discriminate between private property and
public property and he would like it stated that to
ride on public right-of-way a person would have to
have a valid driver’s license. - Council concurred.
Councilmember Larsen spoke in favor of the Ordinance.
Councilmember May spoke against the Ordinance.
He felt that a driver’s license should not be required.
He wanted to see a list of the complaints.
Sgt. John Kruse answered questions from the Council.
After a call for the question, those voting in favor were
Councilmember’s Richards, Gold, Peterson and Larsen.
Voting against was Councilmember May.
Motion carried.
Gene`s BMX is in support of amending this Ordinance.
It is just not safe for young kids to be darting around
in the roadways with the motorized/electric foot scooters.
As of a new section was added to chapter 46.04 of the Revised
Code of Washington. Effective as of August 1, 2003 that says
Motorized Foot Scooters in Washington State can be road in
on the roadways with No driver license or insurance or of that
- a Helmet! Info Posted on 09/16/2003 via URL/Link -
Gene`s BMX Press Release - 11/14-15/2003
Wenatchee Ordinance Passes pertaining to motorized foot scooters
Via -
Wenatchee Ordinance Passes pertaining to motorized foot scooters
Via - Google /alt.bmx usenet newsgroup /
Text Coppy
New Scooter Ordinance by
KPQ News Talk Raido 11/14/03 - Wenatchee
Wenatchee riders excel in Squilchucker races

Kevin Hornback of Tacoma goes all out on the single-track
section Saturday during a cross country mountain bike race
at Squilchuck State Park.-TOM WILLIAMS PHOTO
Wenatchee World
- Nick Babcock, sports editor
Wenatchee Area Racers claimed four first-place finishes
and three series champions at the two-day Squilchucker
mountain bike competition at Squilchuck State Park during the weekend.
Stephen Ettinger,second both days,
landed sport men 18-and-under cross countryand beginner men
14-and-under downhill series crowns. Penny Hulbert, in the
beginner women's 30-39 group, finished first and took
series-champion honors in cross country Saturday.
Other cross country firsts were turned in by Mike Marcin
(beginner men 19-29), Sam Verderico (sport men 19-29) and
Rocky Crocker (expert men 40-49).
Also Saturday, Jerry Shaver posted a third (downhill-cross
country), Tom Ettinger produced a fourth (beginner men 40-49)
and Dave Dunnell was seventh (sport men 40-49).
In addition to Stephen Ettinger's downhill success Sunday,
Crocker was third and Dunnell fourth in sport men 40-49, and
Jerry Shaver landed a sixth in sport boys 18-and-under.
Dangerous crossings: Pay attention:
Eight collisions this summer on busy Wenatchee streets
Wenatchee World
As Manley Martinson Sr. was driving down Mission Street
he noticed a car in the right lane had stopped, but before
he knew it, he was already in the crosswalk and it was too late.
In the crosswalk, a woman fell to the ground writhing in pain -
her foot had just been run over by Martinson's 1996 Ford van.
The problem was Martinson, 77, never saw Lesia Curtis crossing
on that June day because his view was obstructed by the car that
had stopped ahead of him, he said.
Since May, the Wenatchee Police Department has responded to
eight accidents, including Martinson's, involving vehicles and
pedestrians, in-line skaters or bicyclists.
Most of the accidents have happened on the city's busy main streets.
"There's more pedestrian traffic in the summer months,"
said police Sgt. John Kruse. "More people are out."
The issue was brought to Kruse's attention when a downtown
business owner and the Wenatchee Downtown Association board
told him earlier this year they noticed drivers seemed to be
indifferent to pedestrians, Kruse said.
Curtis, an East Wenatchee resident, said four of five toes on her
right foot are bruised now. During the accident, the 38-year-old
lost seven layers of skin on her big toe.
"I told myself, 'I'm never using a crosswalk without a light
again,' " Curtis said. "I was just hurting so bad I told myself
I'm never doing that again."
As she crossed the street and saw Martinson's van approach-ing,
"It flashed through my mind that I was going to get hit and
there was nothing I could do," she said.
Wenatchee resident and bicyclist Brock Wilson found himself on
the other side of the windshield when he was hit at the
intersection of Westwood and Princeton avenues in June.
The driver was on her cell phone and looking the other
way when he was hit, Wilson said.
He ended up "on top of the hood looking into the window," said
Wilson, 70, a charter member of the Greater Wenatchee Bicycle
Advisory Board, which has helped develop bike lanes and routes
in the community. He suffered minor scrapes and bruises and
$50 worth of damage to his bicycle.
Careless drivers aren't the only ones to blame, Wilson said.
"In our community, if you go around, you can see pedestrians,
bicyclists and vehicles doing inappropriate things," he said.
"And that's what leads to accidents."
The problem with some of the crosswalks in Wenatchee is that
they are hard to see and signs alerting motorists to crosswalks
are few and far between, Martinson said.
"Those crosswalks aren't marked that great," he said.
"You really don't see the white markers like you should.
When the white gets dirty, you can't really see it."
Kruse has a different view. He said crosswalks are repainted each
spring by the city and signs warning drivers of crosswalks are in place.
Both drivers and pedestrians need to pay attention
when maneuvering the city's streets, Wilson said.
"I think a big thing is you can't assume that people are paying
attention to you or even seeing you," Wilson said. "If you're not
alert to what other people are doing, you're setting yourself up for a problem."
Criterium bike races take over downtown
~Round and 'round they go~
Marian Davidson and Toby Roessingh had maybe
the best seats and eats for the Wenatchee Twilight
Criterium in downtown Wenatchee on Saturday evening.
The Leavenworth couple set up their camp chairs and propane
grill at the northeast corner of Columbia Street and Orondo
Avenue. About 20 other people chose the intersection as their
vantage point for the more than five hours of cycling races.
More - Story & Results )
*Photos By Geneb - Gene`s BMX
Wenatchee Twilight Criterium at Centennial Park
at the corner of Wenatchee Avenue and Yakima Street.
Photos - 0001 - 0024 /
Photos - 0025 - 0048 /
Photos - 0049 - 0072
Photos - 0073 - 0096 /
Photos - 0097 - 0120 /
Photos - 0121 - 0144
Photos also at - ( )
Cyclists Gearing Up!
Wenatchee, Washington --
~June shapes up with busy race scene for area cycling enthusiasts~
June could prove to be the best of times for area cycling
enthusiasts. And why shouldn't it be?
Just take a gander at what's coming up:
the Wenatchee Twilight Criterium,
including community and kids' races, (
More )
The Bicycle Rodeo
Wenatchee, Washington --
MAY 17 (Sat), sponsored by RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program),KKRV, and KKLM.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm, at the Albertson's parking lot in Wenatchee.
First 125 children will receive free helmets. Kids can also get ID's.
We could use 6 ACBC members to volunteer to assist with registration,
bicycle safety checks, guiding kids through the course, etc.
We would also like to have an ACBC bicycle club member staff
a table to hand out club newsletters and (hopefully) sign up new members..
For information and to volunteer, call Brian Ropp,886-0435.
Fifth Street Alert
Wenatchee, Washington --
Wenatchee World
In Wenatchee next week, electrical work to prepare the way for widening
Fifth Street to add a bicycle lane will slow traffic over the next three months.
Motorists are advised to avoid Fifth between Emerson and
Wenatchee avenues from Monday through mid-August.
The Chelan County PUD will be working on underground power
lines. Most of the work will be on the south side of Fifth, so
eastbound traffic will be most affected, a news release said. In
addition, parking along Fifth in the construction zone will be limited.
Work will begin at Fourth Street and Emerson, moving on to
Emerson and continuing about 150 feet across Fifth Street. It
then will move down Fifth in stages.
The $557,000 project involves moving several large switch boxes
and replacing underground wiring installed in the late 1960s.
No Waterslides at Pioneer Park but a BMX half-pipe?
Wenatchee, Washington -- 05/12/2003
No Waterslides at Pioneer Park...For Now
Plans to construct waterslides at Wenatchee`s Pioneer
Park are being put on hold.
Mayor Dennis Johnson says it appears unlikely the city will
receive a state grant to fund much of the 150-Thousand dollar
cost of the project.
Meanwhile, the city may install a
half-pipe for BMX bike riders to use.
There have been problems with bike riders
using the parks`s Skateboard ramps.
Plans to improve fencing and storage
at the park are in the works as well.
Bicycle advisory group has three board openings
Wenatchee, Washington --
The Greater Wenatchee Bicycle Advisory Board
is looking to fill three vacant positions.
The board recommends ways to improve streets and other
facilities in the Wenatchee area to promote bicycling and bicycle
safety. The nine-member board advises the cities of Wenatchee
and East Wenatchee and Chelan County.
Candidates should have a knowledge of the community, concern
about safety, and experience with bicycle commuting and recreation rides.
The board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m.
at the Wenatchee Public Works building on Worthen Street.
Anyone interested in joining the board should call
Brandon Whallon at 664-3363.
City considers adding giant slide to pool & BMX bike track
Wenatchee,Washington --
The next big splash at the city pool could come
from the addition of a 220-foot-long water slide.
The Wenatchee City Council is interested in adding a slide
next year to attract more children and families.
Councilmen Craig Larsen and Don Richards said many
Wenatchee families during the summer commonly visit other
nearby cities that have a water slide. Quincy, Ephrata and
Moses Lake have city-operated pools with at least one
slide. Chelan has a privately-owned water-slide park.
Improving the local pool facility might keep some children
out of gangs, Councilman Mark Peterson said during the
council's work session meeting last Thursday. The city has
seen an increase in gang activity this year, including
Wenatchee's first gang slaying on Aug. 4.
"Gangs thrive in environments where there is nothing for
children to do," Peterson said. "Drawing children into a
public place where there is responsible supervision helps
promote positive development of those children."
The council told Rich Brinkman, administrative services
director, to look at a timeline for adding a slide and funding possibilities.
Adding a giant slide wouldn't be cheap.
Brinkman said the early cost estimate for adding a big slide is $150,000.
The pool lost an average of $101,000 each year between
1998 and 2001, based on figures provided by city Finance
Director Mark Calhoun. He said losses from this season,
which drew roughly 18,000 people between June 15 and
Aug. 31, will approach $100,000.
Calhoun said money from the city's general fund subsidizes
the pool. The facility's single-biggest expense each year is
payroll for lifeguards and management, he said.
The pool was built in 1966. The last major improvement
project was in 1996 when the city spent about $350,000 to
replace the pool liner and install a new water drainage system.
Brinkman said the city plans to evaluate the pool's operating
costs and revenues this fall. Users will most likely see a rate
increase next summer, he said.
The rate this season was $1 for a one hour and 45 minute session.
Richards said it's likely Wenatchee's city pool will never break even.
"But that doesn't mean we shouldn't" add a water slide,
Richards said. "We should do it because it's right and
positive for our kids."
The city wants to expand the fenced area to include the
wading pool. The existing asphalt area would be replaced
with grass and picnic tables could be added. The city did
not operate the wading pool this summer to save money.
The Barracuda swim team has also asked for some space
so the group could build a small storage facility. The city
also has received a request for a BMX bike track, which
could be built just south of the pool facility.
Ridge to River leadership
Wenatchee,Washington -
Wenatchee World
Longtime Ridge to River Relay director Sue Frese
says she will compete in, but not organize, next year's race.
Frese and Steve May, one of the event's founders and
president of its 14-member board of directors, announced
this morning that they will step down from their positions
with the annual race.
The Ridge to River office, which has been housed at the
Miller Street psychology office of Sue Frese's husband,
Glen Frese, for years, will be moved to an undetermined
new location. Glen Frese is a longtime organizer of the race.
It's not clear whether he will remain involved in the event.
Sue Frese has been a volunteer since 1983 and operations
director since 1993. May is president of Ridge to River's
14-member board of directors. They notified the board of
their decision during a meeting Tuesday.
"There's nothing really complex or mysterious about it,"
May said before a press conference at City Hall. "Sue and I
have had a pact for many years that when it was time, we would go."
It's time, he said, because both are getting just a "little tired."
In 1994, May resigned as president of the group, citing
personal reasons. He became president again last year.
The 35-mile, multi-sport race begins at the Mission Ridge
Ski Area and ends in Riverfront Park. The first race was
held in 1981, and it is considered by some to be the
premier event of its kind in the Pacific Northwest.
May said he and Frese are making the announcement now
so individuals and organizations who are interested in
helping can step forward.
May said the race director position may become a paid,
rather than a volunteer, job. Sue Frese said she's never been paid.
May said the two will officially retire during the board's
annual meeting on Oct. 6.
"We've made up our minds to accept the fact that things
probably will change, but that's all right," May said.
"That's how things stay healthy."
Ride the Sunny Side Chelan Wa.
By Richard Uhlhorn
The grind to Ridge View is not all that hard. As a matter of fact,
nothing about the Echo Ridge Nordic Ski area is all that hard for
an experienced mountain biker. That doesn't mean the riding isn't
good at Echo Ridge... it just isn't all that technical, which means
that even the beginning rider can have some fun and not hate
mountain biking when finished. Ridge View is the highest point
on the 20-mile trail system open to mountain biking from early
spring to late fall. The views alone are worth the grind.
The Lake Chelan basin is an undiscovered "Fat Tire"
paradise often overlooked by riders on their way to ride
other trail systems. Locals have been enjoying the varied
terrain in Lake Chelan for years. All types of riding from
gentle to extreme make up the Lake Chelan scene.
For the recreational rider just wanting to get in a good
mountain bike ride, Echo Ridge is the choice of most.
There are actually 16.5 miles of cross-country ski trails
that turn into wonderful mountain biking trails in the spring.
As spring turns to summer, mountain bikers have made many
of these trails into "pseudo" singletrack by carving single trails
out of the weeds covering the rest of the eight foot wide ski trails.
So even if you do get into trouble and have to leave the worn-in trail,
there is still plenty of safety net to ride on in the weeds before falling
off or crashing into the hillside.
Before driving the 11 miles to the Echo Ridge parking lot,
stop at the Chelan Ranger District and pick up a trail map
and guide of the area (Chelan Valley Cyclists are working
on a mountain bike specific map). A favorite loop of local
riders is to leave the parking area and head out Chickadee
to Grand Junction. From Grand Junction, take a left and
grind up Ridge View to the top where the views open up.
Once on top, continue down to High Five Junction and head
out Morning Glory back to Grand Junction. Careful, this is
a very fast downhill section that will have you grinning from
ear to ear. Once back at Grand Junction, continue down the
singletrack that splits Zippity-Do-Da and Wind Singer to Chaos
Corner. At Chaos Corner cross the Outer Rim Road and head
down the Alley-Oop loop where the downhill ends. Now it's time
to wind your way back to Chaos Corner where you can take Wind
Singer back to Grand Junction and then back to the parking lot on
Upsy-Daisy. Ride distance - 7.5 miles.
If you are looking for something a little shorter, continue
out Little Critter from High Five Junction. Once you have
completed the loop, head down the road a short ways
where you will connect up with No-Where-To-Hide.
This is an existing snowmobile trail that winds along the
ridgeline. You can take it easy and just enjoy the views
or you can grind it out for a fun downhill run. Be careful though...
you don't want to lose control and go over the edge because it is
a long way down.
There are a number of other great rides at Echo Ridge.
Once you have ridden some of the trails, you can begin
to develop your favorite loops.
There are a number of other listed rides in the Lake Chelan Valley
for the mountain biker. There are still others that are considered some
of the best epic rides in the entire state. The Devil's Backbone and
Pot Peak are considered epic for the hard-core mountain biker and
should not be attempted by the beginner. The Cub Lake ride will tax
your technical abilities on an old, established hiking trail that is rooty,
full of rocks, wet trail conditions and stream crossings, not to mention
the climbs out of and descents into beautiful alpine valleys. Take a
fishing pole, extra clothes and plenty of energy food.
Directions to the trailheads can be found under activities
and mountain biking at
Or visit the new cycling club's web site:
On the road
This writer is not a road warrior... though some say I should do
some cross riding. Lake Chelan does offer some nice road spins
for the roadie wanting some exercise. From Chelan riders can
head out in three different directions. A ride along the lake from
Chelan to Manson and out into the orchard hinterlands of Manson
offers some great riding with superb views of the basin and lake.
Another ride is along the south shore of Lake Chelan all the way
to 25-Mile Creek State Park where the pavement ends. This also
offers a nice ride without too much climbing. Instead of continuing
out the south shore, riders can climb Highway 97A towards
Wenatchee through Knapps Coulee and the tunnel. Once
through the tunnel and at the bottom of the hill, turn right and
spin through Navarre Coulee which will bring the rider back to
Lake Chelan at State Park on the south shore.
Other options include doing the loop between Chelan and
Wenatchee on both sides of the river or from Chelan to
Entiat and up the Entiat Valley.
The rules
There are a number of things riding visitors should be aware
of in the Lake Chelan Valley. Following is a set of no nonsense rules.
Follow them or not... your choice, but here they are:
Protect your noggin... wear your helmet.
Wear gloves and eye protection.
Ride with a friend... that way help is available
if you get into trouble 10 miles from the 4X4 trucks.
Bring loads of water... The high desert country of
Lake Chelan is often hot and dry. Energy food is good too.
A tool kit is smart... An extra tube, tool kit and other
essentials will insure you ride back instead of walking.
Share the trail responsibly... Hey, other people use trails also.
Please show respect for others by letting them know you are
there and stopping to let them pass. It really does pay off.
Wildlife tips
Watch for rattlesnakes in the lower elevations
(no problem at Echo Valley/Echo Ridge).
They won't hurt you and have a right to be there.
Mountain lion populations have increased tremendously
since the hunting laws have changed. They are no longer
afraid of man. Chances are you will not see one, but if you
do, consider yourself very lucky. Just remember, you are
not on the top of the food chain out there.
When you visit the Lake Chelan Valley, check in at the
Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce at 102 E. Johnson or
Pedal Paddle Lake Chelan (our new bike shop) at 514 E. Woodin.
They should have an up-to-date schedule of regular rides. It is a
great way to hook up with locals.
Short bio:
Richard Uhlhorn is a journalist with the Lake Chelan
Mirror and also writes and photographs adventure
articles for various publications. He has been riding
mountain bikes since 1990 and is actively involved
with the Lake Chelan Recreation Association, Chelan
Valley Cyclists and the Lake Chelan Public Trails Association.
His claim to fame is a team win at the 24 Hours of Adrenaline
at Canmore, Alberta in 1998.
Mountain biker wins state championship
Cashmere,Washington - By Donald J. Ward
Cashmere Valley Record
For Stephen Ettinger, mountain biking is more than just a hobby.
It’s a chance to be in his sport. The 13-year old Cashmere
Middle School student won the state championship this year in his
age bracket with the Washington Idaho Montana Mountain (WIM)
Bike Race Series, which is sanctioned by the
National Off Road Bicycle Association.
For most of the 2002 season Ettinger was in second place
in the WIM standings. But the last state-qualifying race was
at Squilchuck State Park near Wenatchee, June 22,
so he knew he had the home field advantage.
There was a kid who was ahead of me in points standings
[Gian Dalle of Roslyn]. I just had to beat him,” said Ettinger
about his last race. The Cashmere mountain biker took
second during the race with a time of 47:47.300, just enough
to put him over the top in the state standings.
“When I came through the finish line, I knew I had it beat.”
He will race at Schweitzer Mountain Resort in Idaho at
July 13 in the WIM Series Final.Ettinger won all of the
races he competed in last year, but was not in enough
events to qualify for the state championship. An avid
mountain biker since he was 5 years old, he started racing
when he was nine and became really interested in competing
on a high level last year. His training regimen includes going
on at least five bike rides a week. “I go hard when I do ride,”
Ettinger said. “It keeps me in shape and makes me a stronger rider.
”During the winter he skis cross-country.
The Squilchucker 2002

The Squilchucker, Wenatchee, Wa.
Squilchuck State Park (NORBA)
Saturday, June 22nd Sunday, June 23rd ,2002
**** "Results" "Results" "Results"! ****
2002 Squilchucker Cross Country & Down Hill "Results"
** Cross Country **
The course is smooth, fast and has a mixture of dirt road
and fun single track. One lap is just under 4 miles and
the technical level is moderate.
** FSA Downhill **
Two run format combining both times for an overall total.
Course is wooded with an open field finish.
Start times will be posted at approximately 10:30am.
Race starts at 11am. For more InFo see:
Wenatchee Races it Right
Wenatchee Criterium Race & Apple Century Race

Wenatchee Races it Right!
Photos of
Wenatchee Criterium Race
And the
Apple Century Race
Wenatchee Races it Right! What a Race Day this was.
Every one was having a blast and had smiles on there
faces all day long. Wenatchee knows how to do it right.
Photos by :
Gene`s BMX
*** Traffic jam: Criterium takes over ***
Wenatchee, Washington -
Wenatchee World
Bicycles dominated the landscape of downtown Wenatchee on Saturday,
amid a plethora of parked cars with bike racks and disembodied
wheels awaiting possible use.
From professionals sporting serious $6,000 equipment to
the training-wheeled set, the Wen-atchee Twilight Criterium
cycling event had something for everybody.
The third annual criterium continued its growth in popularity.
The event -- staged with a timed countdown on a four-cornered
track starting and finishing on Wenatchee Avenue
-- made a comeback in 2000 after an absence of five years.
The gathering, sponsored by Wenatchee Valley Velo,
Wen-atchee Valley Sports Council and Pazzo Velo,
gave locals an opportunity to witness some of
the top cyclists in the region.
"Riders came from all over the Northwest along with some
strong teams," said Ed Farrar, race spokesman and a
Wenatchee physician.
The weekend for wheels also featured the 14th annual
Apple Century Bike Ride, drawing a large throng of
recreational riders from Western Washington trekking
distances of 50 or 100 miles up the Entiat Valley.
Leavenworth hosted the State Championship Road Race
on Sunday. Results were not available at presstime.
But with its serious side of competition came a celebratory
atmosphere Saturday. Smells of food wafting from an
outdoor dining venue catered by Wok About Grill played a part.
"A lot of people enjoyed the outdoor dining and festival atmostphere,"
Farrar said. "The racers thought it was an awesome race."
Another element of family fun was forged by sharing the
spotlight with youngsters such as Kendall Still.
The competitor in the girls' 8-and-under division pedaled
for all she was worth on her training-wheeled bike at the
start en route to a third-place finish. She placed just
behind her sister Madison.
On the business end, there were certainly challenges in
turning a popular Wenatchee thoroughfare into race central.
"We had a little problem with the returning riders from the
Century (getting too near the criterium course route),"
Farrar said. "But we're continually working on that.
"Overall the race went off very well. The main challenge is
always clearing the downtown main streets. We seem to be
able to get that a little better every year."
The Wenatchee Valley Velo club had a solid showing early
when Wenatchee physician Mike Fadich took first place in
the master's men (ages 35 and over) race. Fadich claimed
victory in an exciting final sprint to the finish, making
it there about a half-length ahead of Mike Burdo of Saturn
of Bellevue.
Fifteen minutes into the 35-minute race, Fadich and two
others began to break away, getting a separation of six
seconds. The trio steadily maintained the comfortable lead
with Wen-atchee Velo's Randall Smith in hot pursuit.
Smith kept his lead on that secondary pack to place fourth,
while teammate Paul Roberts came in 10th.
Ben Bryant, who races for Claremont College near Los
Angeles, won the Category 4/5 and Citizens race.
Wenatchee Valley Velo racers Craig Still -- father of
Kendall and Madison -- made it a successful family day by
placing fourth.
Teammate Jim Heinlein finished ninth.
Bryant said headwinds heading north on the straightaway
and west up a slight grade made the race challenging.
"Going up the hill it was surprising, given it's usually slower
(uphill) anyway," Bryant said. The 20-year-old native of
Bellingham was just coming off the recent Ski-to-Sea race
in his hometown.
Still was competing in his second Wenatchee Twilight Criterium.
"I'm more of a mountain-bike racer than a road racer,"
he said. "This is a different deal. It's a little more
technical coming out of the corners hot.
"Everybody put the pedal to the metal coming off the start.
Someone would go on the attack on a prem lap
(where cash or prize incentives are given to the leader),
and that seemed like almost every lap."
He said it took a severe toll on his body.
"I saw 20 minutes (left) on the clock and I didn't think I would make it."
It was also the second hometown criterium attempted by
Heinlein, a 39-year-old Wen-atchee resident who regularly
does both road and mountain biking.
He said he embraces the cooperation that is
required to send a teammate into high placings.
"I was in a position that I thought I'd place, then my chain
came off and it caused a breakaway, which ruined my
chances," Heinlein said. "I helped Craig with drafting
(shielding wind resistance for the rider behind) and you talk
to each other, saying 'I don't think I'll make it (to the finish).'
"I used myself up because I knew I was shot.
That (drafting) got the guys behind me back
up to the race leaders. I was toast and finished ninth."
Thus camaraderie and helping the team's hot rider becomes the objective.
"You yield yourself to whoever's strong," Heinlein said.
He said the Wenatchee Valley Velo team has been "pushing
hard" for many more young riders to take up the sport.
Kris Stanton, one of the local team's best younger
prospects, delivered an impressive third-place finish
in the Category 3 race won by Seattle Super Squadra's
Steve Piccolo.
The 25-year-old Cashmere resident was part of a trio that
surged out early and lapped the field within minutes of the
50-minute race.
Stanton credits his recent development to plenty of riding
time with teammate Smith, peppered with workouts with
Fadich and Roberts.
Stanton said the "addiction of riding" and a strong season
competing at Washington State University has fed his need
for strenuous 15-hour-per-week riding schedules. "I've
worked really hard (in area hill riding). We're into the hills,
the four of us. They make us strong."
Said Farrar: "Kris and the other two attacked so strongly
that they lapped the field. Kris is showing awesome progress."
Farrar knows the signs of incredible progress. His son,
Tyler, won the Pro men's group last year and is now
competing on the U.S. Junior National team. The elder
Farrar agreed that Stanton is nearing the more-elite Category 2 level.
Ian Bettinger of Saturn of Bellevue won the Pro Category
1/2 race, leading a pack of five that lapped part of the field.
An exception was sixth-place Kenny Williams of Kirkland,
the 2000 race champion and a national criterium champ in 1999.
Williams put on a show chasing the lead group with abandon while
racing alone and unaided for much of the 60-minute race.
"It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do," Williams said.
"I was just gambling if the pack wanted to let me go."
Said Farrar: "If he could have caught on to the pack,
he would have been in contention to win because he's
such a good sprinter."
Emily Westbrook captured the day's first race in the women's division.
Wenatchee Twilight Criterium results
Women (teams not available): 1, Emily Westbrook; 2, Gina Kavesh;
3, Karlee Bradner; 4, Michele Conrad; 5, Sarah Applegate.
Master's men (ages 35 and up): 1, Mike Fadich, Wenatchee Valley Velo;
2, Mike Burdo, Saturn of Bellevue; 3, Glen Bunselmeyer, Excel Sports;
4, Randall Smith, Wenatchee Valley Velo; 5, David Douglas, Saturn of Bellevue.
Also, 10, Paul Roberts, Wenatchee Valley Velo.
Category 4/5 and Citizens: 1, Ben Bryant, Claremont College; 2,
Jeff Bransdon, Aurora Cycle; 3, David Lanier, unattached; 4, Craig Still,
Wenatchee Valley Velo; 5, John Isakson, Ashmead College/UBC. Also, 9,
Jim Heinlein, Wenatchee Valley Velo.
Category 3: 1, Steve Piccolo, Seattle Super Squadra; 2,
Jim Rucker, unattached; 3, Kris Stanton, Wenatchee Valley
Velo; 4, John Maestus, Aurora Cycles; 5, Anton Jackson, Broadmark Capital.
Category 1/2: 1, Ian Bettinger, Saturn of Bellevue;
2, Evan Elken, Broadmark Capital; 3, Tyler Thompson, Recycled Cycles;
4, Johnny Sundt, Broadmark Capital; 5, Doug Carlton, Saturn of Bellevue;
6, Kenny Williams, Saturn of Bellevue; 7, Joe Baratto, Ashmead College;
8, Chad Nikolz, Ashmead College; 9, Jason Schneipp, Baddlands;
10, David Richter, Recycled Cycles.
Note: Cash awarded to top 5 in all races except Category 1/2, where given to top 10.
Kids' results
8-and-under-- Girls: 1, Aziza Mendez; 2, Madison Still;
3, Kendall Still; 4, Katherine Rogers; 5, Madeline
Heywood. Boys: 1, Colton Smith; 2, Christopher Sargent;
3, Jeffrey Sargent; 4, Grant Peart; 5, Drew Holmberg.
9-10-- Girls: 1, Carolanne Johnston; 2, Whitney
Throgmorton; 3, Antonia Seat. Boys: 1, Max Christman;
2, Cody Beaumont; 3, Drew Holmberg; 4, Ian Phillips.
11-12 (boys only): 1, Spencer Mahan; 2, Scott Broberg;
3, Nate Woodward; 4, Aaron Mahan.
Raffle winners (for bikes donated by Second Wind,
Arlberg Sports and Full Circle)-- 8-and-under: Austin
Lane. 9-10: Max Christman. 11-12: Nate Woodward.
Cyclists ready to roll on Saturday

Cyclists roll 3 Races this Weekend
Wenatchee Criterium|Apple Century Race
& Wa. State Championship Road Race
*** Cyclists ready to roll on Saturday ***
Wenatchee, Washington --
Wenatchee World
The Wenatchee Criterium returns Saturday for the third straight year,
highlighting a big weekend for cyclists from all over the Pacific Northwest.
The criterium is one of three area races this weekend,
with the Apple Century Race preceding it Saturday morning.
Leavenworth hosts the State Championship Road Race on Sunday.
Race promoter Ed Farrar says he expects just as good a turnout
as in the previous two -- if not better.
The inaugural race drew about 200 competitors.
Around 300 are expected this year.
"This is going to be an incredible cycling weekend -- you'll
see a lot of cyclists," Farrar said, noting that there could be
as many as 1,500 between the three events.
Some of the top teams to watch at the criterium include
Saturn, Broadmark Capital, Torrefizone, Ashmead College,
and Recycle Cycles, which boasts a strong lineup of women
racers -- Emily Westbrook and Allison Beal took two of
the top three spots in the women's field. Farrar says
watching the teams work together during the race is quite a site.
"It's fast, it's technical, and it has a lot of strategy
involved in regards to teams racing together," he said.
Randall Smith and Wenatchee physician Michael Fadich are
among the top local individuals to watch. They have been
right in the middle of things since the inaugural race. Smith
placed fourth in the first two. Fadich has finished second and sixth.
Others to watch include area bikers Craig Still,
Larry Michael, and Dan Bass, as well as Seattle's
Kenny Williams, who won the first race and was
the national criterium champ in 1999.
Tyler Farrar, 17, who races with the U.S. Junior National
team, won the Pro Men division last year after finishing
second to Williams in 2000. He will not be racing this
weekend -- at least, not here in Wenatchee. Farrar is
competing at the Junior World Cup in France.
Farrar's little brother, Fletcher, won in the boys' 11-12
group a year ago. But Fletcher, like his big brother, won't
be racing this year. He broke his arm last week, making it
pretty tough to change gears. Gordy Bauer won the boys'
9-10 division, and Jonathan Crail the boys' 6-8s.
Both are from Wenatchee.
Cashmere's Whitney Throgmorton was the top local girl last
year, finishing second in the 9-10 group, while Malaga's
Amber Gale topped them in the 6-8 division.
Promoter Farrar says that the event is here to stay,
based on its early success, and will even feature a little twist in 2003.
"Next year, I think were going to have a race with the fire
department and police department racing against each
other," Farrar said. "I think it's established, and with the
planned edition of the race between the fireman and the police,
it will continue."
Registration for this year's event doesn't close until 30
minutes prior to each divisional race, so there is still time to
enter -- for as little as $10 in the Citizen's race. Register at
the Central Plaza, at First Street and Wenatchee Avenue.
Every participant in the kids' divisions receive prizes.
One from each division will win a bicycle in a raffle.
Wenatchee New homes force new path
Wenatchee,Washington --
Wenatchee World
The view from the top of Saddle Rock is uncompromised.
The same cannot be said, however, for the way to get there.
Homes may soon cover well-trodden foot and bike paths
leading to the north side of Saddle Rock from the
Wenatchee Racquet and Athletic Club, just off Skyline Drive.
The land is in the process of being sold to private
developers, who plan to build homes on the steep hillside
overlooking the city.
It's a story that is playing out with increasing familiarity at
the western edge of the city, where houses now blanket
access to many of the trails that fan out into the hills across
a mix of private and public lands.
So volunteers began carving out new trails this week that
will funnel hikers and mountain bikers away from the future
home site and onto land owned by the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust.
The new trails will guarantee public access to the foothills
for years to come, said Hans Slette, stewardship director
for the nonprofit agency.
The land trust has been working with trail advocates for the
last two years to keep open the few access points that remain.
Earlier this year, the land trust bought 33 acres in the Sage
Hills area, near the top of Fifth Street, that lead to trails.
The group is still working with private landowners to reopen
trails to Castle Rock, the pointed rock formation that looms
beyond the end of Castlerock Street. The land around the
rock was bought in October 2000 by Wenatchee residents
Frank Peryea and Betsy Beers-Peryea. But development
now blocks all access from the city side.
The land trust also accepted the donation of 35 acres in
December 2000 to keep open trails to Saddle Rock, the
saddle-shaped formation to the south of Castle Rock.
The new routes above the athletic club are being built on
that land, which was donated by former Wenatchee doctor
John Jacobson, now an anesthesiologist in Palm Desert,Calif.
Jacobson still owns an adjoining 25 acres, crossed by some
of the more popular trails to Saddle Rock. He has agreed
to sell five of those acres to the land trust, and is negotiating
to sell the rest to a partnership that plans to build homes,Slette said.
He said the partnership includes Randy Zielenski,
owner of White Bird Construction in Wenatchee,
and two other people who live outside the area.
A fence will likely be built to keep hikers and bikers off the
property for now, said Dale VonBergen, a consultant who
was hired by the land trust to build the new trails.
The land trust has already begun closing trails on its land
that lead to the property that will be developed. Brush was
placed across the bottom of a road now used by hikers and
bikers that runs behind the athletic club and into the hills.
Steep trails on the land trust site have also been closed and
covered with rock and brush to prevent erosion.
The trailhead for the new paths starts at the bend in Skyline
Drive, just past the entrance to the club. A sign that marks
the start of the trail reads "Welcome to Jacobson Preserve."
People who use the trails generally park at the club,
which welcomes people to use the parking lot but not
the driveway, said Manager Evy Gillin.
The new route trail cuts through the sage brush and quickly
splits in two - one a wider, sloping bike path and
the other a narrow, winding foot path.
They both connect with a dirt road high up on the hillside
that leads farther into the hills and up toward Saddle Rock.
"The trail we're building will be gentler than the ones created
through past use," Slette said. "They should be easily
maintained and should last for a very long time."
Slette said the trails should be finished by the end of the
month. But he said it will take time to get people to use them.
"People have been using those old trails and roads for years
and years and years," he said.
Wenatchee Valley du
Wenatchee Valley du
Saturday March 30, 2002 at Confluence State Park
3 Mile Runing Course & 17 mile Bike ride
Photos at Start / Finish photos by
The event featured three legs:
a 3-mile run from Confluence State Park to the sand dunes area along
the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail in Douglas County and back;
a 17-mile bike ride from the state park to the Monitor area and back;
and a repeat of the initial 3-mile run.
This event was by
It's do-or-die time for Fifth Street bike lane project
Wenatchee,Washington --
It's time for the Wenatchee City Council to either pedal forward
or apply the brakes to a plan to add bike lanes along Fifth Street.
The council will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. Thursday at
City Hall to hear testimony on the proposal. City planners
have asked the council to make a decision during the meeting.
"They need to either kill the project or move forward," said
David Stalheim, the city's community development director.
The city is eligible for $200,000 in federal funds to help with the $390,000 project.
The plan calls for 5-foot-wide bike lanes on the north and
south sides of Fifth Street, realignment of the street and
sidewalks in spots, and the elimination of on-street parking in a few places.
It would also include adding new vehicle turn lanes between
Miller and Chelan Avenue, and moving some sections of sidewalk.
Mayor Dennis Johnson and some City Council members
have been leery of the project because of the parking
spaces that would be lost on Fifth Street. During a council
meeting last September, city officials also questioned the
overall cost of the project and the potential conflicts
between vehicles and bicycles in the area.
The project would eliminate all visitor and caregiver parking
for Garden Terrace-Garden Terrace West,
a subsidized-rent apartment complex that houses 150
low-income senior citizens at the corner of Fifth and
Emerson streets, said Administrator Leanne Ford.
The parking spaces are also used to pick up and drop off residents.
"There are 10 to 12 parking spaces along Fifth Street, and
they are full all the time," she said. "There's just nowhere
else for family members or other visitors to park."
"It's really a question of public needs versus public rights,
particularly in regards to the parking issue," said Bob Bugert,
chairman of the Greater Wenatchee Bicycle Advisory Council,
which was created by the city in 1998.
He said parking-space concerns also hampered plans to
add bike lanes on Western Avenue, Miller Street and Cherry Street.
Some lanes have been added on Western and Miller
but there are none on Cherry Street.
The Bicycle Advisory Council ranked the Fifth Street
bike lane project as its top priority.
"The joy of this project is that even though the federal
money is earmarked for making improvements for bicycle
traffic, the work will make the intersections safer for
vehicles and pedestrians, too," he said.
"We think it's a true win-win situation."
Land Trust secures public access to Sage Hills trails with land buy
Wenatchee,Washington --
Wenatchee World
The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust has closed a deal to buy 33 acres
in the popular Sage Hills area north of Number One Canyon
The land will serve as a public access to a trail system that
fans out into the hills west of Wenatchee, said Gordon
Congdon, executive director of the Land Trust. The trails are
used for hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking,
snowshoeing and cross country skiing.
"If this land had been developed, it could have ended public
use at the southern end of the trail," he said.
The deal, completed Dec. 27 with landowner Randy Cooper,
was one of several efforts the Land Trust has undertaken
over the last year to preserve and improve public pathways in
the Wenatchee area, and particularly along the western foothills.
A year ago, the Land Trust sought out a property owner to
donate 35 acres to preserve a popular public trail to Saddle Rock.
The trail climbs the hillside behind the Wenatchee Racquet and Athletic Club.
Congdon is also working with property owners to open up
public trails to nearby Castle Rock, which have been blocked
in recent years by residential development.
"We haven't given up hope on that yet," Congdon said.
"We still hope legal public access to Castle Rock can be developed."
The Land Trust also worked out a deal with Chief Wenatchee to buy
a 6.5-acre pear orchard that skirts the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail.
The orchard is next to the natural area between Confluence State Park and
Walla Walla Point Park, directly north of Hawley Street.
The Chelan County PUD eventually bought the land and will
someday convert it to a more natural environment, Congdon said.
"That land is so close to the natural area that we
certainly didn't want it to be developed," he said.
Congdon said the Land Trust and other trail user groups are
"trying to be proactive about maintaining access to public
trails" in the Wenatchee area.
Volunteers calling themselves the Save the Sage Committee
raised $65,000 in a month and a half for the Sage Hills
project. Committee members include Wenatchee World
publisher Rufus Woods and Gene Sharratt, superintendent
of the North Central Educational Service District.
Part of the money raised will be used to buy the land from
Cooper. The rest will be used to pay for future property
taxes and maintenance, Congdon said.
More than 110 community members made donations that
ranged from $20 up to $5,000. In addition, Wenatchee Valley
Clinic pledged $10,000 that was matched by clinic physicians.
Congdon said the Land Trust has no immediate plans for the
land, which can be reached from Day Drive. A parking lot
may eventually be built, he said.
People can still reach the Sage Hills trail system from
residential areas by crossing private property -- where
owners have allowed public access -- on Sage Hills Drive
and in the Broadview area.
But Congdon said there is no guarantee that the public
will always be able to use those private lands.
"This deal secures public access to the Sage Hills area," he said.
The Land Trust and other community groups are now looking
at future expansion of the Sage Hills trail system.
Congdon said the PUD is interested in buying private land for
mule deer habitat that could also be used to extend the Sage
Hills trails to Horse Lake Road. The trails may also one day
be extended to Monitor or Cashmere, he said.
Improving the trails in the western foothills could
help bolster the valley's economy, Sharratt said.
"When we can keep people recreating close to home --
whether it's at Mission Ridge or the Loop Trail or Castle
Rock -- then people spend money locally," he said. "At the
same time, these assets are attracting people to come here to
spend time doing healthy outdoor activities. That's one of the
benefits of Sage Hills. Public trails really do attract people."
Recreation projects in NCW hit hard by grant freeze
Wenatchee,Washington --
The worsening economy has forced the state to suspend grants
for four recreation projects in North Central Washington.
The projects: a Wenatchee boathouse on the Columbia
River; a Leavenworth skate park; renovations at the
Cashmere public swimming pool; and a new Ephrata pool.
The Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation froze
$43.6 million in grants statewide, including the NCW
project money. The NCW cities were told of the freeze this week.
It was unclear if the freeze would delay or derail the NCW projects.
In Ephrata, city officials were wondering how much of a
key $300,000 grant they would get for a community pool
that is now more than 80 percent complete. Mayor John
McMahan said work on the $2 million project will continue anyway.
"I don't see we have any choice. We have contracts out and
it would cost us more to pull out," he said.
"I was disappointed, but this wasn't unexpected with the state of the economy."
City officials said the interagency committee has agreed to
give Ephrata some grant money for work completed on the
project up to Nov. 9. But city officials still didn't
know how much of it they would get.
McMahan said the city could have to use general fund
revenues to replace the grant money Ephrata doesn't get.
The pool is scheduled to open next summer.
Other projects affected:
* A boathouse and parking lot at the corner of Ninth and
Walla Walla streets in Wenatchee. The Wenatchee Row
and Paddle Club, through the city, had won a $47,500
grant to help fund the project. The club was seeking
$230,000 from the interagency committee and the state
Department of Natural Resources for the project. Club
officials did not return phone calls.
* An in-ground skate park in Leavenworth. The city was to
receive a $67,500 grant. It and matching dollars were to
fund half of the $235,000 skate park. Work was to be
finished on that part of the project next summer.
City Administrator Scott Hugill was hoping the freeze would
be lifted before the city would have to make major changes
in its construction schedule.
"This has the potential to push the project back," he said.
* Swimming pool renovations in Cashmere. A $300,000
grant was a large chunk of funding for the project,
scheduled to be finished by June of next year.
The overall cost is $700,000.
Cashmere City Administrator Frank McWhirter did not return
phone calls seeking comment. The city council was to
meet at noon today to discuss how to proceed with the
project, city officials said.
The grants are from the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program.
Laura Johnson, director of the interagency committee, said
37 grants have been suspended statewide.
Work had already begun on many of the projects.
"Our authority has been withdrawn to spend money," she said.
"It's like having a check book you can't write checks on."
Johnson said the suspension could be lifted if
the economy rebounds in the next few months.
The state Office of Financial Management usually approves
general obligation bonds to fund the grants from
mid-September through October of each year.
But the OFM said the state would not be able to afford
new bonds because of anticipated drops in future revenue,
said Mike Roberts, senior budget assistant for the state
Office of Financial Management.
He said the state's economy has been hit hard by the Sept.
11 terrorists attacks and expected layoffs at Boeing.
"We knew if we didn't take action to minimize the additional
obligation, the farther down the road you go, the less ability
you have to fix the problem," he said.
Trust to buy Sage Hills land
Wenatchee,Washington --
Wenatchee World
The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust has agreed to buy a spectacular
overlook in the popular Sage Hills area north of No. 1 Canyon
and to preserve the land for public use.
The rolling 33-acre parcel, which has a dirt trail running
through it, is key to dreams of creating a larger foothills trail
system running from Horse Lake Road to Saddle Rock, said
land trust Executive Director Gordon Congdon and others.
"We see this as a counterpart to the riverfront loop trail,"
Congdon said Tuesday.
The nonprofit land conservation group is purchasing the Sage
Hills property from Randy Cooper for $50,000. The
organization and some trail advocates have raised about
$20,000 in the past two weeks. They hope to raise $60,000,
which will cover the purchase price, real estate fees and
future maintenance costs. The deal is set to wrap up by Dec. 31.
The Sage Hills trail -- a path used by mountain bikers, hikers
and horse riders for years -- travels through the Cooper
property. The acreage has a panoramic view of Wenatchee
and East Wenatchee and is habitat for deer, bear, coyotes,
birds and other wildlife. An old water tank is located on the northwest corner.
Congdon and others said the acquisition is important because
it saves the land from development and establishes a future
access point, if needed, in the vicinity of Day Drive and
Kookaburra Run. Cooper is retaining ownership of a 2.5-acre
parcel on the southeast corner and is granting a 60-foot
easement for a trailhead. The Chelan County PUD owns 970
acres directly north of the property.
"It (development) essentially would have eliminated use and
access of half of the Sage Hills area, and substantially
hindered the foothills trail project to the point where it would
not appear continuous, but just a fractured bunch of trails, like
they are now," said attorney Ted Finegold, vice president of
the Wenatchee Valley Sports Council.
If the deal closes as expected, the Cooper purchase will be
the third Wenatchee foothills property acquired for public use
in the past 13 months. In October 2000, Frank Peryea and
Betsy Beers-Peryea purchased Castle Rock and an adjoining
160 acres. In January 2001, Dr. John Jacobson of Palm
Desert, Calif., donated 35 acres on the north side of
Saddle Rock to the land trust.
As envisioned, the "Wenatchee Foothills Trail"
-- as it's being called -- would extend for about six or
seven miles from Horse Lake Road to the Appleatchee Riders
Club stables below Saddle Rock. The trail would travel over properties
owned by the land trust, the Peryeas, the PUD, the state and
the federal government. The protected corridor would be
open to mountain bikers, walkers, runners, horse riders and
others, but probably no motorized traffic, Congdon said.
But the trail may not end up being contiguous. Even with the
Cooper purchase, there are several spots where private
properties exist, including parcels on the south side of Castle
Rock, just north of Fifth Street, and north of Sage Hills Drive.
Private property also exists just south of Horse Lake Road,
although the Chelan County PUD is negotiating to buy that
land for mule deer habitat and has expressed a willingness to
let people use it, Congdon said.
"I call it 'pearls on a necklace' -- special properties we can
use," he said. "How closely we can link them, we're not sure yet."
Wenatchee World Editor and Publisher Rufus Woods, who is
helping raise money for the land purchase, said people have
dreamed of a west-hills trail for several years. In 1999, a city
of Wenatchee parks plan recommended hiking, biking and
riding trails be established in the hills.
Similar trail systems are in place in the Methow Valley and Boise, Idaho.
Woods predicted a network of trails will draw people to the valley,
improving the region's quality of life and economic-development opportunities.
"It's an important piece of what the Wenatchee Valley has to offer," he said.
"You look a generation down or two generations down the road,
and this is going to be a real jewel."
Not everyone is enthralled with the looming purchase, however.
Bill DePew, executive director of the North Central Home
Builders Association, who has opposed trail plans in the past,
believes tying up such acreage may hurt the local economy in
the future. The foothills are considered highly marketable as
home sites because they offer views, seclusion and tranquility.
"I see the need for keeping our land available so that it shows
the natural beauty," DePew said. "But I also wonder, 20
years from now, where are people going to build?
Where is the growth going to be?"
Chelan County Commissioner Buell Hawkins, who recently
opposed state plans to buy an apple orchard near Chelan
Falls, said that proposal and what the land trust is doing are
"fundamentally different" because the land trust is not a
government agency. He said he won't object to the Sage
Hills purchase if the land trust pays taxes on the property.
Wenatchee Mayor Dennis Johnson said the city will do what
it can to help create access points to a foothills trail system.
He said land preserves are compatible with adjacent housing
and can add value to nearby properties.
"It makes Wenatchee more livable," the mayor said.
"We need to look at those hills much as we look at the river."
Fifth Street bike lanes get cool reception
Wenatchee,Washington --
Wenatchee World
Most municipalities leap whenever a government grant comes their way.
But the city of Wenatchee may end up saying no thanks to a $200,000
federal offer to help build bike paths along Fifth Street between the
riverfront and Miller Street.
City Council members and Mayor Dennis Johnson reacted
coolly toward the project during a work session Thursday evening.
A route design unveiled at the meeting calls for 5-foot-wide bike lanes
on both the north and south sides of Fifth, realignment of the street
and sidewalks in spots, and the elimination of on-street parking in a few places.
Some council members questioned the project's $390,000 cost
-- even though some of the work will need to be done someday
-- and the potential for conflicts between automobiles and bicycles in the area.
Others suggested the city install bike lanes on Orchard Avenue and First Street
and use the new downtown pedestrian overpass now being built to get bicyclists
to the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail and waterfront.
"It doesn't seem safety-wise a good idea when they are other streets to connect,"
said Councilman Don Gurnard.
"How do you get on a bike lane that starts at Miller Street?"
added Councilman Don Richards.
In April 2000, the same council told staff to seek grants
to pay for the project after reviewing a proposed route.
A city consultant recommended then that bike lanes extend to Western Avenue
and go through the Wenatchee Valley College campus.
But staff ended up only applying for grants to pay for half of the route
because of the projected cost.
The Greater Wenatchee Bicycle Advisory Committee,
created by the city in 1998, has labeled a Fifth Street route as its No. 1 priority.
The advisory board says the route is the most logical one to connect neighborhoods
with the Loop Trail because it is centrally located,
traverses other main streets and travels underneath
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway tracks.
For several years, officials have discussed constructing bike
lanes on Fifth. But they've said the street is narrow in spots.
Public Works Director Jim Ajax told the council that about
$215,000 of the $390,000 would go toward realigning Fifth,
adding left-hand turn lanes between Miller and Chelan
Avenue, buying right of way between Delaware Street and
Chelan, and moving sidewalks.
Ajax said the work will eventually need to be done anyway,
create places to pile snow in the winter and will improve
road capacity and eliminate traffic hazards. He said the city
has $190,000 in arterial street and capital facility funds
earmarked for the project.
David Stalheim, community development director, said First
is not wide enough for bike lanes. The city would have to
narrow sidewalks to 5-feet-wide in downtown to make the lanes fit.
Councilman Mark Peterson said he was leery of
ignoring an advisory board's recommendation.
"The question, as it often is with government,
is what is the individual right versus the public interest," Ajax said.
But the mayor, who initially excused himself from the
discussion because he owns property on Fifth between
Chelan and Mission Street, countered that $45,000 of the
$190,000 in city funds earmarked for the project could be
used for other capital projects.
Johnson said he wants the city to spend money on capital
projects that generate more tax revenues for the city.
He said some of the money earmarked for the bike paths
would be better spent improving streets where vacant lots
exist, such as along Piere Street. He predicted the loss of
on-street parking along Fifth will lead to fewer businesses and jobs.
"That's my only concern when I look at things like this,"
Johnson said.
Local rider Show`em How

Local rider Show`em How
( 06/26/2001 )
Twilight Criterium Bicycle Race

Tyler Farrar,at left, races with
Seattle area racers Doug Carlton
Photo by
Wenatchee World 06-02-2001
In downtown Wenatchee
The racers go lap after lap on a short course.
There were five categories and five races.
The final, the pro men's division race lasted
an hour. Bikers flew by at 30 to 40 mph on
the straight stretches and took corners at 20.
***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!